Thursday, 3 December 2009

Ethics and arts- Etica y Arte- on Yareah magazine

The issue of December is dedicated to Ethics. Ana Morales y Matt Hughes are the main artists:
You can also see Miedho's artworks and Ignacio Zara's articles:
Ann Timmermans and my article:
Isabel del Río is the arts editor:
The Spanish writer Martín Cid is the editor:

Saturday, 21 November 2009

Isabel del Río in an exhibition about women

Isabel del Río, Romeo Niram (beside her) and Martín Cid (left) introduce the Spanish painter Javier Blázquez Murillo (left-center) and his last exhibition "Rejected women by History".

A very interesting exhibition in Espacio Niram (Madrid).
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Sunday, 4 October 2009

I am happy today

Yesterday (o2/10/2009), I was in Valladolid (Spain) with the writers Martín Cid, Isabel del Río and Ignacio Zara to start a nice project: to translate into Spanish Guillerme “la Chimère” Pradel's poems.

It is fantastic to have a new project! I am happy today!

Read more about my project:

Wednesday, 23 September 2009

The Canvas, a tale by Martín Cid

He was steadily looking at himself in front of a mirror of sorrow but he did not recognise his image, strange for him and for everybody in that crowded room of that famous museum. He kept looking at his reflection for a while; he was a thirty-years-old shadow in front of visitors, beside two dwarfs and the “master”. Someone was talking near them and me. I cannot remember if that happened in the past or in the future.
The infanta Margarita, Felipe IV’s daughter, was in front of us; her heavy blond hair smelt strongly, I could see her face…: you seem unfriendly, stupid tourist.
-Was someone talking?....

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Thursday, 3 September 2009

Sculptural Ensemble by Constantin Brancusi: Targu-Jiu (Romania) on Yareah magazine

The issue of September of Yareah magazine is dedicated to Avant-Garde. You can read a lot of articles: Tzara, Ruben Dario, Samuel Beckett, Picasso, Monet.... and Constantin Brancusi.
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Caravaggio on Yareah magazine

This is my first collaboration for Yareah magazine. It is a cultural bilingual (English-Spanish) magazine. I am glad the editors, Martín Cid and Isabel del Río, gave me this opportunity.

Caravaggio, a myth for the Baroque "Avant-Garde"

When people pronounced the word “Avant-Garde”, our thoughts fly to Paris, to Montmatre, if we are more precise, and to the last part of the 19th century or to the beginning of the 20th one… always before the Second World War.
Eighty years of creative and innovative artists and authors who constantly seek new ways of expression disobeying academic rules and conservative ways of behavior: Impressionists, Fauvists, Dadaists, Expressionists…. and so on.
Therefore, “Avant-Garde” is a good word to establish a relative chronology, useful for teachers and easy classifications. But, how about the meaning and semantic connotations of it?

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Sunday, 2 August 2009

The Myth of Melussina on Yareah magazine

by Thomas Keightley

Elinas, King of Albania, to divert his grief for the death of his wife, amused himself with hunting. One day, at the chase, he went to a fountain to quench his thirst. As he approached it he heard the voice of a woman singing, and on coming to it he found there the beautiful fay Pressina.
After some time the fay bestowed her hand upon him, on the condition that he should never visit her at the time of her lying-in. She had three daughters at a birth: Melusina, Melior, and Palatina. Nathas, the king's son by a former wife, hastened to convey the joyful tidings to his father, who, without reflection, flew to the chamber of the queen, and entered as she was bathing her daughters. Pressina, on seeing him, cried out that he had broken his word, and she must depart. And taking up her three daughters, she disappeared.
She retired to the Lost Island, so called because it was only by chance any, even those who had repeatedly visited it, could find it. Here she reared her children, taking them every morning to a high mountain, whence Albania might be seen, and telling them that but for their father's breach of promise they might have lived happily in the distant land which they beheld.
When they were fifteen years of age, Melusina...

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Emily Brönte and her museum on Yareah magazine

The Brontë's Home- Museum
This museum is dedicated to the Brontë’s sisters and family.
Charlotte (21 April 1816 – 31 March 1855), Emily (30 July 1818 – 19 December 1848) and Anne (17 January 1820 – 28 May 1849) were important novelists of the Romanticism and their influence continue now a days.The place has information about their lives and novels, storytelling for children, art&craft activities, shop and special drama performances with scenes from Jane Eyre performed throughout the day in the Parsonage garden. All events are free on payment.
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Women have written too by Isabel del Rio on Yareah magazine

I really like this article:

Constantly, we hear that ancient women cannot read and write -the older they are, the more uneducated- and we presume that women did not go out of the kitchen before the 19th century… What kitchen?

I have been always shocked imagining a woman of the Upper Middle Age, for instance, working in her clean cooker from dawn to sunset while her husband was ploughing with a stick (the steam machine was not still invented) and fighting against Vikings (or other friendly invaders)… Yes, it is a shocking idea because it has nonsense.
The reality is that the majority of people (men or women) was illiterate in the Western World before 1914 and children not in school are still in Africa or Asia; the reality is that everybody was working the land and trying to survive from dawn to sunset; the reality is that only few wealthy people (men, women or hermaphrodites) had time to read, to write or to create master pieces.
Why are there so few famous authoresses then? Well, there are some ones, but all of them with bad luck as the majority of their works have mysteriously disappeared.

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